Lost And Found

Whoa. It's been a while since I, creator of this space have actually written words for said space. Actually, I do have a few posts here and there written, but I haven't actually sat down with my laptop in a while. I am trying to take it out a lot more to hopefully provoke the urge to finally post something. I give a lot of credit to Angie and my fellow Book Broads for motivating me to keep this place going. Seriously, thank you! Angie has been writing a whole bunch and I so greatly appreciate her taking the time to create for this space. She also kicked my butt into gear into renewing my URL. So cheers to another year of the blathering broad(s). Erika is busy with school and being a lovely rat mom (go, Erika! crush school and do the things!). Our gal, Portia has her own blogging space, Sequin Books. I'm all for people beginning their own blogs. In fact, at the end of this post, I'll add a couple I'm grooving on lately.

Since last I wrote, I have gotten married! Matt and I have been together nearly six years so it's not different, except there's paperwork involved (lol) No, I love the man to pieces and I'm so excited about spending the rest of our lives together. Post wedding, we took a little road trip to Knoxville, Tennessee, which was really cool. I don't know if I have necessarily discussed it here on the blog, but I have kind of lost my will to take photographs. That sounds terrible. I still snap pictures with my phone. I'm looking to downsize my camera system from a DSLR to a more portable mirrorless camera. I'm trying to re-introduce myself to my love of images. I don't know where that spark went. I felt it dwindling a couple years ago, but I was struggling to hold on. Admitting it feels a lot better. I'm working on it. I am at least still expressing myself in one way or another.

I'm sure I've mentioned previously that I've taken up hula hooping. Hula hooping is more than just rotations around your waist, but a form of expression. Lately, I've discovered the "nerdy" side of flow-- tech! There's grids and geometry and mind-boggling things. I'm loving this form of expression. I'm sponsored by my favorite shop, Third Eye Colorado. Our team is more than just a bunch of sponsored hoopers, but we're family. I've met a lot of folks through the community and so grateful for it allowing me to come out of my shell a bit. Here is my latest video. I have also taken up two hoops and fire spinning with fire fans. I'll have to create a video of that soon :)

Slowly but surely, I am also getting back to reading. I've been reading short stories (like super short, like flash fiction) and poetry to ease myself back into getting fully immersed in a book. I can't wait. So that's it. I'm going to try to rekindle my love for images, explore different writing subjects, continue hula hooping, and sharing books that interest me. Stick around for a bit. Oh, and as promised, here's a few blogs I'm digging:
+ From Babies to Bourbon
+ Home With Willow
+ The Larson House
+ Good Bones Blog

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