sws: glimpses of me


Matt and I agreed what we were getting each other for Valentine's day, which was apparel from our favorite local coffee shop, as well as a book the other person really wanted. He got Collected Stories of Lydia Davis and I got Shooting With Soul. Although we bought and gave our books at the end of January, I didn't want to start to do any exercises until after Valentine's day. Day of, I decided to do the first exercise of the book: Glimpses of you. I read through suggestions and tried them, sure, but I also went beyond that and tried my own "glimpses of me" shots and I really like that the book is basically a jumping off point for me. It's great, considering I'm doing 365 project again this year so my ideas can get a little bit old. I can't wait to explore more of this book and its exercises here. Without further ado, here are a few more:

fifty nine through sixty one

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