cookies and such


The weather is freaking weird. It was really warm yesterday to the point where I was leaving work at around 10:30, wearing just my scarf and hoodie. Yep. Today, it's kind of chilly again, but pouring rain. It's really bizarre, but it's Wisconsin. Typical. I've spent the day inside doodling and I'm coming up with possibly a new, doodled header. We'll see if I come up with anything I actually like, but I've just been playing around with a couple ideas in my sketchbook. I'm trying to draw things and ideas more because it does seem to help me to come up with a solution in the end.


It has been a while since I have baked any thing. Stupid winter and lack of motivation. I bought the ingredients for these cookies a couple of weeks ago and have just been so lazy. I finally got down to business today and finally whipped up a batch. A few are just plain chocolate chip, but the rest have walnuts because if it's one thing my mom always complains about my cookies is that they lack nuts. Nothing to complain about now. Just a glass of milk and some cookies. yum!

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