impending spring


Today has been fantastic and it's not even over. Matt and I had breakfast at Colectivo and despite the douchey douches sitting behind us who were super rude after I accidentally bumped into the man, I enjoyed breakfast. I apologized them, but that wasn't enough. It elicited one of those fake "Haha. (sudden silence and sharp intake of breath)" laughs from his female companion that I thought only existed in teen movies and MTV shows, but I guess not. I didn't let them kill my vibe, though. Haters gonna hate. We went about our day, shopping in H&M, the record store, and finally heading home. We'll be seeing a movie later and for now are just enjoying a relaxing day off together. I know it'll be ages before we've got another one.

I have photographed our day and will be posting the rest of it later on Slightly Out of Focus. In case folks are wondering, I did end up signing on with Virb. I'm creating collections and hope to purchase my own domain soon to link up with the Virb site. I'm excited. I hope to roll this new stuff out by summer so I can get new business cards with the site on there. Ah! So many new things to come. I'm excited. Impending Spring gets me excited for changes, in the weather and my life. Oh, and don't let the sunlight in that above photo fool you- it's cold as f@$# here ;)

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